FIBER has developed economic measurement techniques applied to business cycles and inflation in the U.S. and other economies. We provide market participants with indispensable tools for economic forecasting, which historically have proved to anticipate economic growth trends, recessions, market fluctuations and risk factors. FIBER’s study of the economy includes indicators such as production, employment, price levels, inflation and interest rates.

The FIBER partnership with Delphi Economics (a leading European company in the fields of financial information, analysis and portfolio management) has resulted in the development of FIBER financial market research. Together with Delphi, over one hundred economists and financial analysts form a core of our research and consulting team that specializes in the following areas:

Timely analysis, accurate forecasts, and comprehensive coverage of global business cycles and financial markets.

FIBER understands that investors seek the maximum returns. In view of the steady advance of globalization, the ever increasing complexity of investment and the need to maintain professional monitoring of all relevant financial markets requires a product that maintains the balance between macroeconomic decisions taken internally and risk control. Whatever the desired investment profile, we believe that it is essential for asset allocations to incorporate a solid, proprietary foundation of the underlying macroeconomic fundamentals.

FIBER is an extension of the research activities of Columbia University’s Center for Business Cycle Research (CIBCR). FIBER was an integral part of the research going on at the Center and has since continued to provide top-notch analysis and leading indicator calculations. We have a reputation as the premier designer of leading economic indicators worldwide. Some of our work in the past has involved modeling and creating the leading indicators used by governments agencies, such as of Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, New Zealand, Ukraine and the United States.

The Foundation for International Business and Economic Research (FIBER) is the leading developer of economic measurement techniques as applied to business cycles and inflation in the US and other market economies. In 1993 FIBER became the exclusive licensee of Columbia University’s Center for International Business Cycle Research (CIBCR) products. At that time almost of the CIBCR staff moved to FIBER. CIBCR, founded in 1979, specialized in studying the behavior of the economy during recessions and recoveries as reflected in many indicators such as production, employment and unemployment, prices and interest rates. In 1996 Columbia University decided to close CIBCR. Nonetheless FIBER continues the economic research and improvements to the indexes.

FIBER’s proprietary indexes provide indispensable tools for economic forecasting. Historically these indexes have generally been shown to accurately anticipate market fluctuations and to identify economic prospects and risks. Numerous business leaders and investment managers rely on these indexes to make informed decisions.

In 1998, FIBER formed an alliance with Delphi Economics AB, one of Northern European's leading companies in the field of financial management. FIBER incorporated the Delphi Economics financial risk analysis methodology into FIBER's leading economic indexes. This synergy resulted in some of FIBER's current products, which forecast financial market movements by incorporating market forecasts in conjunction with leading and coincident economic indicators.

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